We are seeing increased positive cases of COVID at the school, impacting staff and student attendance from either illness or necessitated quarantine from direct exposures. We continue to follow changes to CDC guidelines and have reduced the quarantine period in accordance to new guidelines. Regardless, we have not been able to successfully mitigate the virus from impacting a large number of students and staff.

For this reason, we are opting to use a weather day to close school on Friday, January 14th and enable us to do a deep cleaning of the facilities. It is our hope that students and staff will have an opportunity to recuperate and distance from others to assist in discouraging the spread of all illnesses currently impacting NFSSE staff, students and families. We continue to implore you to keep your student home if they have ANY symptoms of not being well such as headache, sore throat, sneezing or fatigue. Many of our students have been fortunate to only experience mild cold-like symptoms. We are thankful that has been their experience, yet we have other staff who have lost family members and some whose health have been significantly impacted. We do recognize the impact that quarantine and school closure has on each of our students and families and did not come to this decision lightly. We do believe we have reached a point where it is imperative for us to try to get ahead of this to avoid long term closure due to staff shortages.

Please note on the school calendar that April 18th, Easter Monday, was noted as a school holiday. That day will now be a day for in school instruction for all students 1st grade through Transition and postgrads who are scheduled on Mondays. We will utilize Friday, January 14th as a weather day and replace in person instruction with April 18th. Please let me know if you have any questions whatsoever. We wish you and your family health and safety in this coming year.