Transition Program – 18-22 Years Old
The Transition program at North Florida School of Special Education is comprised of students 18-22 years of age with various intellectual and developmental differences. The program is designed to provide our older students with continued education, focusing predominately on vocational and independent living skills while also honing in on the development of social skills, professional behavior and a strong work ethic.
Transition students work at various job sites with our employment specialists.
The main goal of the Transition program is to promote learning that directly links the young adult’s educational program with his or her plans for the future. Instructional targets are addressed in the categories of Employability, Daily Living, Community Living, Personal Life and Lifelong Learning.
Our Transition teachers work together with employment specialists and therapists in order to individually assess each student and establish goals for personal success, and subsequently communicate and connect with the students to help them achieve these goals.
NFSSE is a proud partner of Project SEARCH, which provides vocational training opportunities in five industry areas and sets students on a strong path for employment. Click here to learn how your student can apply to participate in this dynamic year-long program.
Our Transition students experience hands-on vocational training through various placements at volunteer job site positions, both on the NFSSE campus and at off-site locations within the greater Jacksonville area.
Onsite at North Florida School of Special Education, our Transition students work in a variety of programs and capacities, including on our on-campus organic Berry Good Farms, Culinary Arts, Landscaping, community deliveries, Berry Good Farms on the Go Food Truck, Barkin’ Biscuits, and Berry Good Farms Cafe and Special-Teas.
For more information on the Transition program, please contact Ann Atkins, Director of Transition & Post Grad at