NFSSE Club Prepares Students for Sacraments

NFSSE Club Prepares Students for Sacraments

North Florida School of Special Education Clubs provide students with ample opportunities to improve mental and physical health, but did you know there’s one club that is supporting students’ spiritual health?
Ten Roman Catholic and Episcopal students are taking part in an after-school club that is preparing them for their first communion and confirmation. Annette Himmelreich leads the club and says it’s fulfilling a vital role in the children’s preparation for church sacraments which take place in the spring. “While many churches offer the programs, they do not have that element that allows individuals with unique learning abilities to participate fully without having a parent going through the process with their child, ” explains Himmelreich. “By having it here at NFSSE, we’re collaborating with the diocese by allowing children from various parishes have access to that instruction and still have them receive the sacrament at their own church.”
This is the first year for the club on our campus. In the fall, students prepared for reconciliation.

St. John Bargas receives confirmation at Christ Episcopal Church in Ponte Vedra

It’s a situation where everyone who practices their faith wins. “It’s tailored to the academics and learning style of our students with resources provided by the church and combine it. We’re blessed to have staff here who fill that gap, and it benefits everyone,” says Himmelreich.
The remainder of the clubs this spring have students sharing their experiences, and comes with celebration. This week confirmation students gathered in Berry Good Farms to enjoy an incredible cake from Sweet Theory Baking Company.
Congratulations to all our students who took part in this year’s club and received their sacraments.